Research and Evaluation

  • Design and review evaluation protocols

  • Conduct process and outcome evaluations

  • Analyze and synthesize results

  • Produce reader-friendly reports summarizing findings

  • Gates Foundation/Mott Foundation – Evaluation of national research initiative on social sector infrastructure; strategies for strengthening sector research capacity.

    Gates Foundation/Lumina Foundation – Feasibility assessment of potential merger with two grantees .

    Infrastructure Funders Group – Research on, recommendations for, and design of a collaborative funding initiative for mapping and assessment of social sector infrastructure

    Goldman Sachs Foundation – Grantmaking evaluations; recommendations for future program strategy

    JM Kaplan Fund – Evaluation of immigration program and recommendations for future strategic direction

    Robert Wood Johnson Foundation – Environmental scans and recommendations for future support in several areas, including impact investing, end-of-life care, intermediaries, misinformation, Institutional Review Board (IRB) processes, and others

    New York Cares - Survey, data analysis, and author of nationally distributed report on volunteering


Program Design and Management


Communications and Positioning